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One of the most popular and most quoted books in English, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was the creation of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), a distinguished scholar, mathematician, and author who wrote under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. Written for young readers but enjoyed equally by adults, the wonderfully fantastic tale is credited with revolutionizing children's literature and liberating it from didactic constraints.
The story is deeply but gently satiric, enlivened with an imaginative plot and brilliant use of nonsense, as it relates Alice's adventures in a bizarre, topsy-turvy land underground. There she encounters a cast of strange characters and fanciful beasts, including the White Rabbit, March Hare, Mad Hatter, the sleepy Dormouse and grinning Cheshire Cat, the Mock Turtle, the dreadful Queen of Hearts, and a host of other unusual creatures. A selection of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.


Let's set the scene...

Lorelai and Rory are on their roadtrip to escape reality, and they decide to stop for the night at what Lorelai thought was a funky, untraditional bed & breakfast owned by a friend.  When they walked into a house that looks like Vera Bradley had thrown up all over it... they realized their mistake.


Ladonn: Okay, room number 3 is all yours. Welcome to the Cheshire Cat.
Lorelai: Nice name. I'm gonna consult with my daughter for just one second. [walks away from the desk] We must leave this place immediately.
Rory: And sleep where?
Lorelai: Uh, a hollow tree, a riverbank, I don't care.
Rory: Mom, I'm tired and I'm starving.
Lorelai: Okay, she's named the place after an Alice in Wonderland character. This is my worst nightmare.
Rory: And dying of exposure in a Jeep is mine.


My thoughts:

First of all, I must say that I share Lorelai's hatred of the B&B. I know I'm supposed to love them and think they're charming... but ain't nobody want to make small talk with some strangers first thing in the morning!  Bear Allen only does hotels... where I don't have to interact with anyone.  Where I walk into my room at night and it's magically cleaned without having to converse with a single soul.  Why would you stay in a bed & breakfast is you have this lovely, far superior option.  I'm not paying to sleep in someone else's house... I can visit a friend and do that for free!


B&B related rant over.  Now on to the book!


I read this shortly before I began this challenge, and as it's a quick, fun read... I figured it'd be a good time to revisit Wonderland.  And I'm glad I did.  There is something about Carroll's play on words and deep insights into life wrapped in seemingly silly and irreverant comments that makes my heart warm.  I didn't read Alice in Wonderland until I was an adult, but this is clearly one of those stories that grows with the reader.  I got different things out of it than I did when I read it even four years ago.  With my life experience between then and now, Carroll's story takes on a different tone and his messages take on a greater sense of urgency.


Who do I see reading this in the Stars Hollow gazebo?

Her name is Lulu, for God's sake... she would appreciate the silly and fun atmosphere of Wonderland.

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