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Winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize, David Mamet's scalding comedy is about small-time, cutthroat real esate salesmen trying to grind out a living by pushing plots of land on reluctant buyers in a never-ending scramble for their fair share of the American dream. Here is Mamet at his very best, writing with brutal power about the tough life of tough characters who cajole, connive, wheedle, and wheel and deal for a piece of the action -- where closing a sale can mean a brand new cadillac but losing one can mean losing it all.

Let's set the scene...

Emily is having a meltdown over getting ready for Lorelai the First's unexpected visit. 

Emily: I have to get out everything she’s ever given us. 35 years worth of fish lamps and dog statues, lion tables and stupid naked angels with their...butts!
Lorelai: Whoa! Stupid naked angel butts? What did David Mamet just stop by.


My thoughts:

Okay. Let's be honest here.  If I was a salesperson, I'd be existing on discount bin Ramen noodle and collected rainwater.  Convincing people to spend money is soooooo not a talent of mine. I'm barely comfortable talking about money to Husband, nevermind trying to get a perfect stranger to hand over a good portion of his retirement savings. 

With that, David Mamet truly captured the desperation and terror of the ability to live your life being predicated on how much of a schmoozer you are.  How must it feel to be unable to pay for your child's medical bills because you had an off few days one month? 

I was very impressed with Mamet's ability to recreate the pattern of speech that tends to occur in situations with multiple strong personalities in high stress situations.  It's not pretty, but the reality with which he writes is true to the reality of communication between humans.  Although Husband hates the show for this very reason, I love Parenthood because of this (being able to look at the gorgeous Lauren Graham is just a plus). No author wants to have his characters step on his precious words...but in certain situations, the art lies in the that literary decision.



Who do I see reading this in the Stars Hollow gazebo?

Logan was raised by these types of men, is friends with these types of men and will grow to be one of these types of me... no matter how much Rory changed him.

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