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Ciao! Adios! Au revoir! مع السلامة!

Or in English... GOODBYE!

You people might look happy NOW...

Well, I failed. I still have not finished Don Quixote. I'll join his crazy windmill-fighting ass again once I'm back from BearAllen's Mediterranean Adventure™. But for now, I'm allowing myself, for eight WHOLE days, to read whatever I want to read. It'll be glorioooooooooooous! So far my list consists of these definites: 11/22/63 by Stephen King (thanks for lending it to me, Jen!) Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess. Check out her blog... no, seriously! NOW! I'll wait the 12 seconds it will take you to pee your pants. ::taps foot:: Okay, now you know what I'm talking about. My copy happens to have a bookplate in it signed by The Bloggess herself. It's like she and I are best friends. She's got the "Be Fri" part of the necklace. I have "st ends". My part kind of sucks. But she's famous and I'm not. Ahh... the perks of celebrity!) And these may be joined by: Honolulu by Alan Brennert The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson The Night Circus by Erin Morganstern The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood The Water-Method Man by John Irving I'm actually really organized this time which, if you know me, is kind of hard to fathom. Usually, I'm the idiot running around the house like a lunatic an hour before my flight is scheduled to leave (the last two flights I've taken... I was running toward the terminal as they were calling my name. Yep, BearAllen was the last to board). But this time, even my house is clean in anticipation of our return (there is nothing worse than coming home from a vacation to a hot-mess house). So, tonight I pack my suitcase (all the items are gathered and actually FOLDED... it's a miracle!), download books to Aldeux and I'm all set! My flight leaves at 2pm tomorrow. I'm not a big fan of flying... so hopefully Stephen King will hold my hand. Don't forget me while I'm gone. I'm planning on becoming a big deal in Europe and Africa. You'll all want to be able to say you got in on the ground floor when I become a worldwide sensation!

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