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DFTBA... ditto

I still owe you guys a post about BookCon 2014, but this happened yesterday and it's one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me. So, I'll start with a little story for ya. Yesterday morning, I read this article in The New Yorker: The Teen Whisperer: How the author of The Fault in Our Stars built an ardent army of fans. I was really moved by the realistic way Margaret Talbot portrayed John Green, his brother Hank and the Nerdfighter community that was born of their efforts and talents. As I'm trying to be more of a participant on "the social media" (follow me on Twitter! Facebook! Instagram!), I retweeted the article and said "Best article I've ever read about @realjohngreen. Hands down." And then I almost flung a sleeping baby halfway across my living room when THIS popped up on my phone notifications.

john green tweet.PNG

It's all downhill from here, people!

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