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Twitter is killing Tolstoy

In today's "Totally Disturbing News" News, Time informed me that the average American only spends 19 minutes a day reading. Don't get me wrong, my television is not "a funny little table to keep chai tea on" (mostly because I hate chai tea). Hey, I binge watched all of Orange is the New Black last week in a mere 2 days... I'm no stranger to the draw of Netflix. However, there is still plenty of time in the day to get a good amount of boob-tubin' in and read more than 20 minutes a day! And this is coming from someone with a one year old, a blog and a full-time job. So, what do we do to fix this? I personally have begun to remove myself from the living room and put my cell somewhere else when I'm reading. I will usually go sit out on my patio, giving iPhone-y (I'm so creative with the names) a much needed break. That will keep me from being shipwrecked on the shore because of the siren call of what Husband may be watching (screw you, Breaking Bad) or Twitter (screw you, All Celebrities). The other option is audiobooks. I know some people will argue that this is not reading, and some people are stupid. Would you rather me listen to some Top 40 station chock full o' Rihanna, Beyonce (or whoever kids these days are listening to) on my commute into work... or listen to Candide? Audiobooks are also good for the gym. Instead of flipping to an episode of Bones I've watched for the 3 bajillionth time, I listen to Game of Thrones. Opportunities to read during the day are plentiful, you just have to take them! Here are some charts that paint a sad picture (from Vox

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How much time do you think you spend reading on a daily basis?

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