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morning coffee at luke's | That's the dream

November 17, 2014

Listening to BookRiot's "Reading Lives" podcast yesterday, I was struck by something essayist Ashley Ford said about a book (Roxane Gay's An Untamed State):

"That novel broke me apart and put me back together..."

It got me to thinking... that's what we're usually looking for when we pick up a book for the first time, isn't it? A book that can break our heart but then proceed to fix all of the heartbreaks we have suffered in our lives.

For me, that book was The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. It came into my life during a time I most needed it and while it hit very close to home and hurt to read, it also soothed the wounds I was licking at that moment, in addition to the ones that had healed to scars over the years.

What book has done that for you?

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