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reading all books referenced on Gilmore girls

1.  What if you have already read a book on the list?
I have decided that if I read the book approximately a year ago, I will not reread the book.  I will still review the book, but as Rory discovered, there are just too many books in the Universe to read a lot of them multiple times!  However, if I read the book more than a year ago (a lot of these books I read senior year of high school... thank you, Ms. Chapman's AP English class!), I will need to reread it. A) Because I have a craptastic memory and I barely remember what I read last week, nevermind when I was 18 and B) Because I've found that gained perspective that comes with maturity (really age, but let's refer to it as "maturity") can really change a book for you.  Recently, I read The Picture of Dorian Gray for the second time.  It was a very different story for me this time around... I got something completely different out of it than I did at 16.

2.  I notice that there are duplicate books on the list.  How will you handle that?
Obviously, I"m not going to read the book each time it shows up on the list.  What I will do is determine, based on how I'm progressing through the list, when I will read the book.  If I'm in the middle of a book-intensive episode, I will decide at that time if I want to read it during the episode later in the series.

3.  Will you read in chronological order within each episode?
Yes!  You will note that the list has been updated since it's first posting, and now the books in Episode 1 are in sequential order as they were mentioned in the episode.  As I begin each episode, I will review it again (twist my arm, why don't ya!) and edit the list for that episode so it appears in order as the characters refer to it.  You will also note that the books in the list for Episode 1 have been linked to their corresponding listing on Amazon.  I will do that as I begin each episode, so you can purchase and read the books along with me if you wish.  

4.  Will you read books that had their movie counterpart mentioned in the show?
As with the duplicate listings, I will determine at the time if I will read a book who's movie was mentioned in the series.  You will note that Rosemary's Baby is mentioned in Episode 1... however, they were clearly referring to the movie (Dean:  "That was a great movie!").  I have always wanted to read Rosemary's Baby, so it will remain on the list!  This becomes rather important when we get to the movie-mentions of The Lord of the Rings.  I tried reading The Hobbit like twelve times when I was younger (by recommendation of my stepmom) and would rather be locked in a room with Taylor Doose for three hours than read any book within that series.  As Peter Jackson and the movie are mentioned in Gilmore girls, not the books... I'll happily pass on that one!

5.  Is there any book you're dreading?
I hate, hate, HATED The Sound and the Fury when I read it in high school... literally the most painful book I've read in my thirty years (and I've read a LOT of books).  I am dreading having to read it again.  The same goes for Beowulf. I hope that the "maturity" I spoke of earlier in this post really helps me when I get to these two literary gems!

6.  Due to Mrs. Kim, The Bible is mentioned MANY times throughout the series.  Are you going to read it?
Alright, I'm torn on this one.  Although, I've always wanted to read the entire Bible... I'm still on the fence about this.  As it's mentioned frequently (thank you Lane's mom!), I'll tack it to the end of the list and my reading it will depend on how long the entire list takes me to complete.

7.  Is there a time limit?
Absolutely not!  Although I read rather fast, I disapprove of the speed reading technique.  I want to get the most out of these books, and I feel like putting a deadline on it will cause me to gloss over the books I read just to get them done.  This a marathon, people... not a sprint!

8.  Is the list set in stone?
I am not going to randomly remove books that are legitimately referenced on the show simply because I don't want to read them.  However, you may see the list morph and change as I do my pre-reading review of each episode.  The list I have posted is a jumping off point and will be edited as necessary.

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to comment with them!   I'd be happy to answer them in a future post!


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