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The triumphant return of Amy Sherman-Palladino!

Our dreams have come true! The genius that is Amy Sherman-Palladino (the brains behind our beloved Rory and Lorelai) is returning to television. This June, ABCFamily will be airing her new show titled "Bunheads". Starring Broadway legend (don't argue with me... she might be young, but she's legend) Sutton Foster, Bunheads is the story of a "Las Vegas showgirl, who impulsively marries a man, moves to his sleepy coastal town, and takes an uneasy role at her new mother-in-law's dance school." And this isn't even the best part. Guess who has signed on to play the mother-in-law?

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Now just add Scott Patterson as the surly dancewear store owner... and Bear Allen can die a happy girl!

So, set your DVRs (or VHS if you're truly behind the times) for Monday June 11th at 9/8c on ABCFamily and get ready to soak up the awesomesauce that is Sherman-Palladino!

And lastly, for your viewing pleasure, ABCFamily's promo for their latest goldmine:

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