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Since Bermuda is a British territory (and I already started the tradition of saying "bye" in the languages of the places I'm going. Once DOES make a tradition. SHUT IT!), I'm saying "cheers!" to all my loyal, gorgeous, brilliant readers. At this time on Sunday, I'll be setting sail to the pristine pink sand beaches of Bermuda.

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As of Friday afternoon, I did not complete Swann's Way. If I finish it before Saturday evening, I will post the review. But, as is normal, I still have a shitton few pre-trip errands to run... so I have a feeling Monsieur Proust will be hanging out with me poolside.

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I actually don't have a specific plan this time for my vacation reading material. I have a few books ready to go on my Kindle that I downloaded (and didn't get around to reading) for my last trip. I borrowed the next book in the challenge from the library and the remaining two for this episode are available for free download. But I'm going to play it by ear. If I'm feeling deep... I'll continue with the Proust. If I'm feeling like I probably shouldn't be reading anything more in-depth than The Cat in the Hat because I'm so hammered on mojitos... I have some books downloaded on my Kindle that are more appropriate for that particular mindset (and no, it's not 50 Shades of Grey... who the hell do you think you're talking to?!)

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I hope you all have a great week and... keep reading!

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