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Hammers and Veils | s2e2

Today we see the aftermath of one thousand yellow daisies...

  • Newspaper veils… the height of fashion!

  • Hyung-hyung is being shipped to Korea.

  • Richard eats crow.

  • Lorelai announces her engagement to a lukewarm reception from Emily.

  • Junie and MoMo don’t eat chicken and/or off their meds.

  • Sparkle hammers!

  • Dean tries to lure Rory with the promise of 7 hours at a bookstore. My kinda guy!

  • Oh look! The first time we see Tom! I love Tom.

  • Dean, it’s “I COULDN’T care less about Harvard”.

  • Lorelai did a drunk call out of her mother… which is ALWAYS a good idea.

  • I want to re-do my wedding shower on the green in Stars Hollow. Today is my 9 year anniversary… do you think you guys can throw me a vow renewal shower there?

  • The image of Luke sitting on a bench with 3 little girls dressed as bridese… BEST MOMENT IN THIS EPISODE.

  • Lorelai offers Emily an olive branch in the form of a veil.

End scene.

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