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A Very Gilmore Christmas!

I am not one of those people who is difficult to shop for. I make my interests VERY well known throughout the year. And I love the things I love with such abandon, that you can never go wrong getting me something related to Gilmore girls, Glee, reading, The Beatles, pumpkins, Halloween, etc. To sum it up, if I love something, I never stop talking about it. So, chances are... come some gift-giving occasion, there will be at least 10 things that spring to mind when it comes to me. See, my obnoxious personality comes in handy once in awhile!

Hence... 2011 was A Very Gilmore Christmas!

Exhibit A:


The Luke's Diner t-shirt is from Mom. The Dragonfly Inn t-shirt is from Husband. The Black, White & Read Bookstore mug (how appropriate!) is from Husband. The Luke's Diner mug is from my awesome friend, Heather. The complete collection of Gilmore girls on dvd is from Stepmother. And before you clutch your pearls that the author of The Black, White & Read Book Challenge does not own all seven seasons of Gilmore girls on dvd... of course I do (I mean, really... who do you think you're dealing with here?!) However, 1) due to overuse (shocker), the dvds are starting to get worn out and 2) I feel like I, of all people, should own the complete collection in the pretty white box!

If you're currently green with envy (as you should be), the mugs and t-shirts can be ordered online from cafepress! I will say that I am VERY impressed with their customer service. I'm too fat for one shirt, too thin for another and one of the mugs has a pretty hilarious misspelling (Connectitcut ::giggle::). They are just sending me the correct sizes free of charge and have told me to keep the originals. Cafepress... you are now an honorary Gilmore!

Here are close-ups of the mugs:


Exhibit B:

The best mother-in-law ever had this made for me. It makes me feel famous (it's only a matter of time before the paparazzi arrive). She had this ornament made through Zazzle... whose customer service I have also been very impressed with this holiday (due to some issues, all my fault, with a personalized hoodie I had made for the husband this year. Apparently I can't remember what year I was married in or what size Husband is.).


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Photos of Gilmore girls courtesy of The CW

Custom graphics by Human Illustrations


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